iPhone users are in the world currently

It is hard to get the perfect number, by the time you read on ..., a few hundred phones would have been sold..

It was around 800 million Android users and 300 million iOS users in 2013.. Apple reached 1 billion phones in November of 2014.. 

Evans estimates that Apple paid iOS app developers $10 billion in the last 12 months vs. the $5 billion Google paid Android developers. Currently, Android rules the market with more than 2.5 billion users.

Apple iPhone sales worldwide from the third quarter of 2007 to the company's most recent financial quarter. In the first quarter of 2018, 77.32 million iPhones were sold worldwide.

By the end of this current year, 1.4 billion smartphones will be in use: 798 million of them will run Android, 294 million will run Apple’s iOS, and 45 million will run Windows Phone.

Apple announced it had 1 billion active devices in use. Google said more recently there were 2 billion Android devices active.

It’s interesting because marketshare suggests it should be more for Android, but I think a lot of people must update their Android phones more regularly.


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